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2021年3月25日 郡司, 直彦 Upregulation of complement C1q reflects mucosal regeneration in a mouse model of colitis - - - -
2021年9月30日 星, 誠二 Upregulation of glucocorticoid receptor-mediated glucose transporter 4 in enzalutamide-resistant prostate cancer - - - -
2012年 Yamada, Shinya; Suzuki, Hitoshi; Kamioka, Masashi; Kamiyama, Yoshiyuki; Saitoh, Shu-Ichi; Takeishi, Yasuchika Uric Acid increases the incidence of ventricular arrhythmia in patients with left ventricular hypertrophy Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 58 101 106
2006年12月 Watanabe, Hiroshi; Noguchi, Etsuko; Shio, Kiori; Iwadate, Haruyo; Kobayashi, Hiroko; Ohira, Hiromasa Usefulness of complement split product, Bb, as a clinical marker for disease activity of lupus nephritis Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 52 103 109
2021年9月30日 後藤, 芳明 Usefulness of computed tomography angiography "spot sign" in the endoscopically assisted evacuation of acute subdural hematoma in the elderly - - - -
2021年9月30日 矢野, 徹宏 Usefulness of computed tomography in the diagnosis of acute pyelonephritis in older patients suspected of infection with unknown focus - - - -
2020年3月24日 関野, 啓史 Usefulness of Forward-projection Model-based Iterative Reconstruction in Brain CT as Compared with Filtered Back Projection Reconstruction using adaptive iterative dose reduction 3D - - - -
2008年6月 Saito, Hironobu; Kobayashi, Hiroko; Watanabe, Kenya; Saito, Keietsu; Rai, Tsuyoshi; Sasajima, Tomomi; Orikasa, Hiroshi; Saka, Mitsuru; Hoshino, Yutaka; Terashima, Shinya; Gotoh, Mitsukazu; Obara, Katsutoshi; Ohira, Hiromasa Usefulness of intraoperative esophagogastroduodenoscopy in a patient with lupus enteritis Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 54 38 42
2014年3月25日 佐藤, 愛 Usefulness of new EUS criteria for diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis, especially early chronic pancreatitis - - - -
2014年8月8日 Soeda, Shu; Kyozuka, Hyo; Suzuki, Satoshi; Yasuda, Shun; Nomura, Yasuhisa; Fujimori, Keiya Uterine artery embolization for uterine arteriovenous malformation is associated with placental abnormalities in the subsequent pregnancy: two cases report Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 60 86 90
2011年 Hikichi, Takuto; Irisawa, Atsushi; Sato, Masaki; Watanabe, Ko; Nakamura, Jun; Takagi, Tadayuki; Ikeda, Tsunehiko; Suzuki, Rei; Ohira, Hiromasa; Obara, Katsutoshi Utility of peppermint oil for endoscopic diagnosis of gastric tumors Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 57 60 65
2020年 Imai, Minako; Kimura, Yukio; Tanno, Daiki; Saito, Kyoichi; Honda, Mutsuko; Takano, Yukiko; Ohashi, Kazutaka; Toyokawa, Masahiro; Ohana, Noboru; Yamadera, Yukio; Shimura, Hiroki Validation of MALDI-TOF MS devices in reanalysis of unidentified pathogenic bacteria detected in blood cultures Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 66 103 112
2015年 Ishii, Shirou; Kikuchi, Ken; Miyajima, Masayuki; Sakuma, Kotaro; Shishido, Fumio Validation of therapeutic response assessment by bone scintigraphy in patients with bone-only metastatic breast cancers during zoledronic acid treatment: comparison with computed tomography assessment Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 61 23 31
2016年9月29日 中村, 耕一郎 Variability in response to quadripulse stimulation of the motor cortex - - - -
2019年 Furuya, Makiko Yashiro; Temmoku, Jumpei; Fujita, Yuya; Matsuoka, Naoki; Asano, Tomoyuki; Sato, Shuzo; Kobayashi, Hiroko; Watanabe, Hiroshi; Migita, Kiyoshi Vasculo-Behçet disease complicated by conversion disorder diagnosed with 18F-fluoro-deoxy-glucose positron emission tomography combined with computed tomography (PET/CT) Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 65 55 60
2023年 菅家, 康之; 伊藤, 泰輔; 菅原, 良太; 東條, 華子; 藤田, 正太郎; 八島, 玲; 勝部, 暢介; 田畑, 憲一; 野水, 整 Vater乳頭部癌を合併したLynch症候群の1例 福島医学雑誌 73 13 18
2020年3月24日 伊藤, 文人 Vehicle configurations associated with anatomical-specific severe injuries resulting from traffic collisions - - - -
2017年 Kobayashi, Hiroshi; Otani, Koji; Watanabe, Kazuyuki; Kato, Kinshi; Nikaido, Takuya; Yabuki, Shoji; Kikuchi, Shin-Ichi; Konno, Shin-Ichi Vertebral fracture at the caudal end of a surgical fusion for thoracic vertebral fracture in a patient with diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH) Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 63 112 115
2022年 Hidaka, Tomoo; Endo, Shota; Kasuga, Hideaki; Masuishi, Yusuke; Kakamu, Takeyasu; Fukushima, Tetsuhito Visualizing the decline of public interest in the Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident by analyzing letters to the editor in Japanese newspapers Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 68 63 66
2015年12月 斎藤, 杏; 斎藤, 智樹; 斎藤, 優衣; 坂本, 理恵; 佐川, 有理子; 笹木, 彩華; 佐々木, 良; 佐々木, 遼介 VIVA!ふぐすま 福島の地域医療の現状と対策: 7班 (医学セミナーの試み 2014) 福島医学雑誌 65 226 228
2015年9月28日 鈴木, 俊幸 Weight Loss by Ppc-1, a Novel Small Molecule Mitochondrial Uncoupler Derived from Slime Mold - - - -
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