DSpace Fukushima Medical University

福島県立医科大学学術成果リポジトリ = Fukushima Medical University Repository >

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2020年3月24日 関野, 瑞希 Analysis of expression of programmed cell death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) and BRAFV600E mutation in thyroid cancer - - - -
2023年 Taguchi, Naoki; Izumi, Shigeki; Miyakawa, Shumpei Analysis of trunk rotation during baseball batting with lumbar disc degeneration Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 69 1 10
2004年6月 Iwabuchi, Masumi; Kikuchi, Shinichi; Sato, Katsuhiko Anatomic and clinical investigation of a low signal peripheral line (black line) around the lumbar herniated nucleus pulposus on magnetic resonance imaging Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 50 11 19
2013年 Higuchi, Mitsunori; Chida, Masayuki; Muto, Atsushi; Fukuhara, Mitsuro; Suzuki, Hiroyuki; Gotoh, Mitsukazu Anomalous systemic arterial supply to the Basal segments of the lung Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 59 93 96
2006年6月 Watanabe, Kenya; Ohira, Hiromasa; Orikasa, Hiroshi; Saito, Keietsu; Kanno, Kaori; Shioya, Yasuo; Obara, Katsutoshi; Sato, Yukio Anti-calreticulin antibodies in patients with inflammatory bowel disease Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 52 1 11
2013年9月25日 齊藤, 理恵 Anti-carbonic anhydrase III autoantibodies in vasculitis syndrome - - - -
2019年3月22日 石川, 真郷 Anti-fibrotic effect of CCR2 antagonist on experimental murine scleroderma induced by bleomycin - - - -
2013年 Ikuta, Kazufumi; Mizuta, Katsumi; Suzutani, Tatsuo Anti-influenza virus activity of two extracts of the blackcurrant (ribes nigrum L.) from new zealand and poland Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 59 35 38
2018年 Yashiro, Makiko; Asano, Tomoyuki; Sato, Shuzo; Kobayashi, Hiroko; Watanabe, Hiroshi; Miyata, Masayuki; Migita, Kiyoshi Anti-MDA5 antibody-positive hypomyopathic dermatomyositis complicated with pneumomediastinum Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 64 89 94
2014年3月25日 菅野, 有紀子 Anti-phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 2 antibody in patients with autoimmune hepatitis - - - -
2005年6月 Takeda, Isao; Iwadate, Haruyo; Sugisaki, Kota; Takahashi, Atsushi; Nogae, Syoji; Kanno, Takashi; Kasukawa, Reiji Anti-ribosomal P antibodies are associated with nephritis, vascular thrombosis and lymphocytopenia in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 51 11 18
2015年 Yoshimoto, Yuya; Kono, Koji; Suzuki, Yoshiyuki Anti-tumor immune responses induced by radiotherapy: a review Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 61 13 22
2012年 Einollahi, Behzad Antibody mediated acute rejection in kidney transplant recipients with CMV infection Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 58 88 88
2009年12月 Wakamatsu, Hiroki; Sato, Yoichi; Takase, Shinya; Sato, Yoshiyuki; Satokawa, Hirono; Yokoyama, Hitoshi Aortic arch repair with coronary artery revascularization Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 55 52 60
2017年 Kikuchi, Ken; Shigihara, Takeshi; Hashimoto, Yuko; Miyajima, Masayuki; Haga, Nobuhiro; Kojima, Yoshiyuki; Shishido, Fumio Apparent diffusion coefficient on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in bladder cancer: relations with recurrence/progression risk Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 63 90 99
2016年4月 Ono, Yuko; Shinohara, Kazuaki; Goto, Aya; Yano, Tetsuhiro; Sato, Lubna; Miyazaki, Hiroyuki; Shimada, Jiro; Tase, Choichiro Are prehospital airway management resources compatible with difficult airway algorithms? A nationwide cross-sectional study of helicopter emergency medical services in Japan Journal of anesthesia 30 205 214
2003年6月 Ogino-Nishimura, Eriko; Okamura, Hiro-oki; Takiguchi, Yoshitaka Argon plasma coagulation for intractable nasal obstruction occurring in patients with allergic rhinitis Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 49 15 22
2021年3月25日 加瀨, 晃志 ARID1A deficiency in EBV-positive gastric cancer is partially regulated by EBV-encoded miRNAs, but not by DNA promotor hypermethylation - - - -
2019年9月30日 Winnugroho, Wiratman Assessment of Cognitive and Motor Skills in Parkinson's Disease by A Robotic Object Hitting Game - - - -
2017年 Yamauchi, Tomohiko; Tani, Akiko; Yokoyama, Shuji; Ogawa, Hiroshi Assessment of non-invasive chronic fungal rhinosinusitis by cone beam CT: comparison with multidetector CT findings Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 63 100 105
2012年 Nishiyama, Hiroshi; Soeda, Shu; Watanabe, Takafumi; Fujimori, Keiya Association between growth factor heregulin -1α and receptors in growth of ovarian cancer cell line with high potentiality of peritoneal dissemination Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 58 22 32
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