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福島県立医科大学学術成果リポジトリ = Fukushima Medical University Repository >

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2021年 Nomura, Shinji; Kyozuka, Hyo; Jin, Toki; Fujimori, Mimori; Suzuki, Daisuke; Sato, Kenichi; Imamura, Takashi; Nomura, Yasuhisa First trimester heterotopic pregnancy with shock treated laparoscopically, followed by uneventful term pregnancy and normal birth Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 67 168 171
2021年 Ishibashi, Makiho; Watanabe, Takafumi; Kyozuka, Hyo; Yamaguchi, Akiko; Sato, Kenichi; Sato, Maki; Go, Hayato; Fujimori, Keiya Perinatal diagnosis of a fetus with an unbalanced translocation 46,XY,der(10)t(6;10)(p22;q26.1) with multiple malformations: a case report and literature review Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 67 83 88
2021年 Shiga, Tetsuya; Zhang, Wen; Ohira, Tetsuya; Suzuki, Yuriko; Maeda, Masaharu; Mashiko, Hirobumi; Yabe, Hirooki; Iwasa, Hajime; Nakano, Hironori; Yasumura, Seiji; Kamiya, Kenji; Fukushima Health Management Survey Group Socioeconomic status, damage-related conditions, and PTSD following the Fukushima-daiichi nuclear power plant accident:The Fukushima Health Management Survey Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 67 71 82
2021年 Iijima, Junko; Hoshi, Kyoka; Ito, Hiromi; Kanno, Mayumi; Murakami, Yuta; Takahashi, Koichi; Matsumoto, Kana; Yamaguchi, Yoshiki; Nakajima, Madoka; Miyajima, Masakazu; Arai, Hajime; Kanai, Mitsuyasu; Kitazume, Shinobu; Honda, Takashi; Hashimoto, Yasuhiro Total transferrin in cerebrospinal fluid is a novel biomarker for spontaneous intracranial hypotension Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 67 64 70
2021年 Setou, Noriko; Suzuki, Satoru; Matsuzuka, Takashi; Iwadate, Manabu; Maeda, Masaharu; Namekata, Yuko; Yoshida, Fusae; Oshima, Kayoko; Ohira, Tetsuya; Yasumura, Seiji; Ohto, Hitoshi; Kamiya, Kenji; Yokoya, Susumu; Shimura, Hiroki Psychosocial support for the examinees and their families during the secondary confirmatory examination: Analyses of support records at first visit Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 67 53 63
2021年 Murakami, Michio; Osuga, Kenichi; Ohto, Hitoshi; Kamiya, Kenji; Saito, Kiyoshi; Scholz, Uwe; Abdel-Wahab, May IAEA consultancy meeting on low-dose radiation for patients and population Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 67 89 93
2021年 Jin, Toki; Kyozuka, Hyo; Fujimori, Mimori; Nomura, Shinji; Hakozaki, Yusuke; Suzuki, Daisuke; Nomura, Yasuhisa Unexpected placenta accreta spectrum after the use of assisted reproductive technology in women with adenomyomectomy Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 67 45 48
2021年 Miyagawa, Akemi; Kunii, Yasuto; Gotoh, Daisuke; Ito, Masashi; Itagaki, Shuntaro; Matsumoto, Takatomo; Kumakura, Tetsuo; Yabe, Hirooki Differential diagnosis of memory impairment in areas affected by a natural disaster: a case report Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 67 38 44
2021年 Kato, Kinshi; Yabuki, Shoji; Otani, Koji; Nikaido, Takuya; Otoshi, Ken-Ichi; Watanabe, Kazuyuki; Kikuchi, Shin-Ichi; Konno, Shin-Ichi Ossification of the ligamentum flavum in the thoracic spine mimicking sciatica in a young baseball pitcher: a case report Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 67 33 37
2021年 Nakamura, Akihiro; Sato, Ryoichi; Ando, Sanae; Oana, Natsuko; Nozaki, Eiji; Endo, Hideaki; Miyate, Yoshiharu; Soma, Jun; Miyata, Go Orthogonal antibody testing for COVID-19 among healthcare workers in a non-epidemic place and time: Japan's Iwate Prefecture, May 18-31, 2020 Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 67 27 32
2021年 Haga, Junichiro; Sato, Naoya; Anazawa, Takayuki; Kimura, Takashi; Kenjo, Akira; Gotoh, Mitsukazu; Marubashi, Shigeru Comprehensive analysis of gene expression of isolated pancreatic islets during pretransplant culture Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 67 17 26
2021年 Tokunaga, Akiko; Yoshida, Koji; Orita, Makiko; Urata, Hideko; Itagaki, Shuntaro; Mashiko, Hirobumi; Yabe, Hirooki; Maeda, Masaharu; Oishi, Kazuyo; Inokuchi, Shigeru; Iwanaga, Ryoichiro; Tanaka, Goro; Nakane, Hideyuki; Takamura, Noboru The mental health status of children who have been evacuated or migrated from rural areas in Fukushima prefecture after the Fukushima daiichi nuclear power station accident: results from the Fukushima health management survey Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 67 8 16
2021年 Sato, Yu; Yoshihisa, Akiomi; Maki, Takumi; Takeishi, Yasuchika Effects of daily alcohol intake on glomerular filtration rate over three years Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 67 1 7
2021年 Kato, Kinshi; Otoshi, Ken-ichi; Yabuki, Shoji; Otani, Koji; Nikaido, Takuya; Watanabe, Kazuyuki; Kobayashi, Hiroshi; Handa, Jun-ichi; Konno, Shin-ichi Abdominal oblique muscle injury at its junction with the thoracolumbar fascia in a high school baseball player presenting with unilateral low back pain Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 67 49 52
2020年12月 Igarashi, Yu; Kim, Eunjoo; Hashimoto, Shozo; Tani, Kotaro; Yajima, Kazuaki; Iimoto, Takeshi; Ishikawa, Tetsuo; Akashi, Makoto; Kurihara, Osamu Difference in the Cesium Body Contents of Affected Area Residents Depending on the Evacuation Timepoint Following the 2011 Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Health physics 119 733 745
2020年11月10日 - 2019年6月以降に開催した総合科学研究会プログラム : 総合科学研究会報告 福島県立医科大学総合科学教育研究センター紀要 9 54 55
2020年11月10日 三澤, 文紀 看護学生が日常的に個人利用可能なストレス低減ツール開発の試み①-解決志向アプローチ(SFA)の応用を中心に- 福島県立医科大学総合科学教育研究センター紀要 9 45 53
2020年11月10日 Martin, Paul Healing Heroes: surveying the Greek text of the Hippocratic Oath (Part II: Comments on sections 3.i.-8ii.b.) 福島県立医科大学総合科学教育研究センター紀要 9 1 44
2020年9月30日 疋田, 雅之 Estimation of frequency difference at which stream segregation precedes temporal integration as reflected by omission mismatch negativity - - - -
2020年9月30日 髙木, 基行 Comparison of histopathology and preoperative 18F-FDG-PET/CTof osteomyelitis aiming for image guided surgery: a preliminarytrial - - - -
2020年9月30日 菊地, 眸 Effectiveness of L-menthol spray application on lesions for the endoscopic clarification of early gastric cancer: Evaluation by the color difference - - - -
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