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B 看護学部 = School of Nursing >
福島県立医科大学看護学部紀要 = Bulletin of Fukushima Medical University School of Nursing >
No.21 (2019-03) >

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タイトル: 精神科病院に勤務する看護師が感じるがん患者の看護ケアに関する困難感
その他のタイトル: Difficulty experienced by nurse working in psychiatric hospitals when extending nursing care to cancer patients
著者: 加藤, 郁子
佐藤, 忠
田中, 久美子
横山, 郁美
大川, 貴子
学内所属: 基礎看護学部門
誌名/書名: 福島県立医科大学看護学部紀要
巻: 21
開始ページ: 1
終了ページ: 12
発行日: 2019年3月
抄録: 【研究目的】精神科病院の看護師が,がんを併発した精神疾患患者に関わる際に感じる困難の実態を明らかにすること.【研究方法】A県の精神科病院に勤務し,がんを併発した精神疾患患者に関わった経験がある看護師・准看護師を対象に,自記式質問紙による実態調査を行った.調査項目は対象者の基本属性,看護ケアの困難感(6要因25項目),がんを併発した精神疾患患者と関わるために必要な教育のニーズ(3要因12項目)である.【結果】分析対象は138名.看護ケアの困難感では,〈患者のセルフケア〉,〈家族による支援〉について70%以上の看護師が難しいと感じていた.がん看護の基本的な知識と精神疾患患者への応用についての教育ニーズでは,80%以上の看護師が必要性を感じていた.【結論】精神看護とがん看護に携わる看護師が情報交換を行い,相談できる体制を作ることが看護ケアの困難感軽減につながると考える.
[Objective of the Study] To identify difficulties experienced by nurse working in psychiatric hospitals when they are involved in caring for psychiatric patients with cancer to overcome the difficulties. [Study Method] A fact-finding survey using self-administered written questionnaires was conducted with nurses and assistant nurses working in psychiatric hospitals in Prefecture A, who had experience of caring for psychiatric patients with cancer. Components of the survey were as follows: basic attributes of subjects; six items (self-care of patients, support from medical professionals, support from family, treatment facility and system for complications, self-determination/selection of patients, and self-responsibility for treatment), consisting of 25 questions regarding experienced difficulties during caring for the abovementioned patients; and three items (basic knowledge of cancer care, its application to psychiatric patients, and education method), consisting of 12 questions regarding education required in caring for psychiatric patients with cancer. [Result] The subjects were 138 nursing professionals. Regarding nursing difficulties, over 70% of the subjects experienced difficulties in "self-care of patients" and "support from family". Regarding educational needs, over 80% of the subjects felt the need. [Conclusion] Based on the results of this study, it may be possible to reduce the difficulties faced by nursing professionals in caring for psychiatric patients with cancer through establishing a system in which information and consultation are provided by cancer care nurses.
出版者: 福島県立医科大学看護学部
本文の言語: jpn
このページのURI: http://ir.fmu.ac.jp/dspace/handle/123456789/762
本文URL: http://ir.fmu.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/123456789/762/1/BullFMUSchNurs_21_p1.pdf
ISSN: 1344-6975
権利情報: © 2019 福島県立医科大学看護学部
出現コレクション:No.21 (2019-03)


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