DSpace Fukushima Medical University

福島県立医科大学学術成果リポジトリ = Fukushima Medical University Repository >

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アイテム表示: 841-861 / 2307.

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2021年9月30日 後藤, 芳明 Usefulness of computed tomography angiography "spot sign" in the endoscopically assisted evacuation of acute subdural hematoma in the elderly - - - -
2021年9月30日 岩崎, 麻里子 Fast walking is a preventive factor against new-onset diabetes mellitus in a large cohort from a Japanese general population - - - -
2021年9月30日 鈴木, 学 MTX-HOPE is a low-dose salvage chemotherapy for aged patients with relapsed or refractory non-Hodgkin lymphoma - - - -
2021年9月30日 堀越, 裕子 Opposing responses of the calcium channel blocker nicardipine to vascular stiffness in the elastic and muscular arteries in rabbits - - - -
2021年9月30日 新井, 猛浩 Incidence of and improvement in inappropriate parental behaviors of mothers with young children: a retrospective cohort study conducted in collaboration with a local government - - - -
2021年9月30日 伊藤, 裕平 Intraoperative fluorescence cerebral angiography by laser surgical microscopy: Comparison with xenon microscopy and simultaneous observation of cerebral blood flow and surrounding structures - - - -
2021年9月30日 Bakhit, Mudathir Salman Ismail The superior frontal longitudinal tract: a connection between the dorsal premotor and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortices - - - -
2021年8月 Mizuki, Rie; Kobayashi, Tomoyuki; Maeda, Masaharu Disruption of Child Environments and Its Psychological Consequences After the Fukushima Disaster: a Narrative Review Based on the Ecological Systems Model Current psychiatry reports 23 49 -
2021年8月 Kim, Eunjoo; Igarashi, Yu; Hashimoto, Shozo; Tani, Kotaro; Ishikawa, Tetsuo; Kowatari, Munehiko; Kurihara, Osamu Estimation of the Early Cs-137 Intake of Evacuees from Areas Affected by the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident Based on Personal Behavioral Data and the Latest Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion Model Simulation Health physics 121 133 149
2021年6月 Ma, Enbo; Ohira, Tetsuya; Nakano, Hironori; Maeda, Masaharu; Yabe, Hirooki; Sakai, Akira; Yasumura, Seiji; Kamiya, Kenji Dietary pattern changes in Fukushima residents after the Great East Japan Earthquake: the Fukushima Health Management Survey 2011-2013 Public health nutrition 24 2195 2204
2021年6月 放射線医学県民健康管理センター主催国際シンポジウム実行委員会 2021年福島県立医科大学「県民健康調査」国際シンポジウム 報告書 - - - -
2021年3月25日 郡司, 直彦 Upregulation of complement C1q reflects mucosal regeneration in a mouse model of colitis - - - -
2021年3月25日 佐藤, 雄紀 Circulating extracellular vesicle-encapsulated microRNA as screening biomarkers for intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm - - - -
2021年3月25日 井口, 正寛 救急における急性髄膜炎のjolt accentuation of headacheの診断精度 - - - -
2021年3月25日 吉田, 知克 Social Factors Associated with Life Satisfaction and Psychological Distress among Residents with Developmental Disorders in Fukushima Prefecture - - - -
2021年3月25日 加瀨, 晃志 ARID1A deficiency in EBV-positive gastric cancer is partially regulated by EBV-encoded miRNAs, but not by DNA promotor hypermethylation - - - -
2021年3月25日 田辺, 隼人 Factors associated with risk of diabetic complications in novel cluster-based diabetes subgroups: a Japanese retrospective cohort study / Burden of undiagnosed type 2 diabetes in diabetic kidney disease: a Japanese retrospective cohort study - - - -
2021年3月25日 柏﨑, 佑哉 Relationships between radiation risk perception and health anxiety, and contribution of mindfulness to alleviating psychological distress after the Fukushima accident: Cross-sectional study using a path model - - - -
2021年3月25日 安藤, 卓也 Chapter I. Prognostic impacts of nutritional status on long-term outcome in patients with acute myocardial infarction / Chapter II. The clinical value of the PRECISE-DAPT score in predicting long-term prognosis in patients with acute myocardial infarction - - - -
2021年3月25日 中森(佐藤), 博子 Development of a pediatric dermatology screening tool based on two parent-reported skin symptoms: Comparison of parental recognition and physician diagnosis of skin symptoms of infants and toddlers - - - -
2021年3月25日 三浦, 里織 Amyloid precursor protein 770 is specifically expressed and released from platelets - - - -
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