福島県立医科大学学術成果リポジトリ = Fukushima Medical University Repository >
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Issue Date | Author(s) | Title | Source Title | Volume | Start page | End page |
Mar-2019 |
鈴木, 学爾; 石井, 佳世子; 鈴木, 幸恵 |
A県内の救急外来を受診する子どもと家族の現状と課題,小児救急看護の実際 |
福島県立医科大学看護学部紀要 |
21 |
13 |
21 |
2020 |
Matsuzuka, Takashi; Uemura, Hirokazu; Yoshimoto, Seiichi; Miura, Kouki; Shiotani, Akihiro; Sugasawa, Masashi; Homma, Akihiro; Yokoyama, Junkichi; Tsukahara, Kiyoaki; Yoshizaki, Tomokazu; Yatabe, Yasushi; Kobari, Takehiro; Kosuda, Shigeru; Murono, Shigeyuki; Hasegawa, Yasuhisa |
Attempting to define sentinel node micrometastasis in oral squamous cell carcinoma |
Fukushima Journal of Medical Science |
66 |
143 |
147 |
2022 |
江口, 依里; 舟久保, 徳美; 中野, 裕紀; 大平, 哲也 |
1. 東日本大震災前後の福島県内のメタボリックシンドロームの長期動向: NDB特定健診データを用いた検討 (一般演題, 福島医学会第491回学術研究集会抄録) |
福島医学雑誌 |
72 |
85 |
86 |
2014 |
Ohto, Hitoshi; Yasumura, Seiji |
Fukushima radiation symposium 2014: sharing the achievement from the Fukushima Health Management Survey |
Fukushima Journal of Medical Science |
60 |
203 |
204 |
2015 |
Yoshida-Komiya, Hiromi; Goto, Aya; Yasumura, Seiji; Fujimori, Keiya; Abe, Masafumi |
Immediate mental consequences of the great east Japan earthquake and Fukushima nuclear power Plant accident on mothers experiencing miscarriage, abortion, and stillbirth: the Fukushima health management survey |
Fukushima Journal of Medical Science |
61 |
66 |
71 |
2015 |
Yamamoto, Toshiyuki; Hashimoto, Yasuhiro; Yoshida, Masayuki; Ohno, Kikuo; Ohto, Hitoshi; Abe, Masafumi |
Investigative research projects related to the Tohoku Earthquake (The Great East Japan Earthquake) conducted in Fukushima |
Fukushima Journal of Medical Science |
61 |
155 |
159 |
2017 |
Horikoshi, Naoko; Iwasa, Hajime; Yasumura, Seiji; Maeda, Masaharu |
The characteristics of non-respondents and respondents of a mental health survey among evacuees in a disaster: The Fukushima Health Management Survey |
Fukushima Journal of Medical Science |
63 |
152 |
159 |
Dec-2017 |
Yasuda, Shun; Kyozuka, Hyo; Nomura, Yasuhisa; Fujimori, Keiya; Goto, Aya; Yasumura, Seiji; Hata, Kennichi; Ohira, Tetsuya; Abe, Masafumi |
Influence of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster on the birth weight of newborns in Fukushima Prefecture: Fukushima Health Management Survey |
The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine |
30 |
2900 |
2904 |
Dec-2016 |
田中, 京子; 橋本, 重厚; 細矢, 光亮; 安村, 誠司 |
福島県における血算検査報告単位の使用状況と問題点 |
臨床病理 |
64 |
1357 |
1359 |
Nov-2016 |
Maeda, Masaharu; Oe, Misari; Bromet, Evelyn; Yasumura, Seiji; Ohto, Hitoshi |
Fukushima, mental health and suicide |
Journal of epidemiology and community health |
70 |
843 |
844 |