福島県立医科大学学術成果リポジトリ = Fukushima Medical University Repository >
Items for Subject "494"
Showing 10 items.
Issue Date | Author(s) | Title | Source Title | Volume | Start page | End page |
May-2010 |
Ueda, Kazuki; Kajikawa, Masayuki; Ookouchi, Masayuki; Tateshita, Tohru; Hirose, Tarou; Asai, Emiko; Sakaba, Takao |
How to Create a Natural Nasolabial Fold during Muscle Transplantation for the Treatment of Facial Paralysis |
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery |
63 |
e481 |
e483 |
Dec-2013 |
Ono, Yuko; Yokoyama, Hideyuki; Matsumoto, Akinori; Kumada, Yoshibumi; Shinohara, Kazuaki; Tase, Choichiro |
Surgical airways for trauma patients in an emergency surgical setting: 11 years' experience at a teaching hospital in Japan |
Journal of anesthesia |
27 |
832 |
837 |
2016 |
Otani, Taisuke; Isohata, Noriyuki; Kumamoto, Kensuke; Endo, Shungo; Utano, Kenichi; Nemoto, Daiki; Aizawa, Masato; Lefor, Alan K; Togashi, Kazutomo |
An evidence-based medicine approach to the laparoscopic treatment of colorectal cancer |
Fukushima Journal of Medical Science |
62 |
74 |
82 |
24-Mar-2016 |
武藤, 哲史 |
Clinical significance of expanded Foxp3+ Helios- regulatory T cells in patients with non-small cell lung cancer |
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24-Mar-2016 |
花山, 寛之 |
膵島細胞シートへの改良型アデノウィルスベクターを用いた抗アポトーシス遺伝子導入の検討 |
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24-Mar-2016 |
多田, 武志 |
遺伝子発現スコアリングシステムを用いた食道類基底細胞癌の鑑別診断法の構築 |
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24-Mar-2016 |
佐藤, 直哉 |
移植前Mitomycin-C処置による膵島移植グラフト生着延長のメカニズムの解明 |
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24-Mar-2016 |
佐藤, 哲 |
OK-432+fibrinogen+thrombin塞栓療法による宿主免疫賦活作用に関する検討 -OK-432+fibrin存在下でマクロファージ遊走・活性化に注目して- |
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24-Mar-2016 |
千田, 峻 |
Stromal VCAN expression as a robust prognostic biomarker for disease recurrence in stage II-III colorectal cancer |
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24-Mar-2016 |
芳賀, 淳一郎 |
移植前膵島処置法確立に向けた網羅的遺伝子解析による生物学的機能情報変化の検討 |
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