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Fukushima Journal of Medical Science >
Vol.63 (2017) >

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Title: Early diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis: understanding the factors associated with the development of chronic pancreatitis
Authors: Yamabe, Akane
Irisawa, Atsushi
Shibukawa, Goro
Sato, Ai
Fujisawa, Mariko
Arakawa, Noriyuki
Yoshida, Yoshitsugu
Abe, Yoko
Igarashi, Ryo
Maki, Takumi
Yamamoto, Shogo
Affiliation: 会津医療センター消化器内科学講座
Source title: Fukushima Journal of Medical Science
Volume: 63
Issue: 1
Start page: 1
End page: 7
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: The prognosis of advanced chronic pancreatitis (CP) is poor with the mortality rate approximately two-fold higher than the general population according to a survey of the prognosis of CP. From this standpoint, the concept of early CP was propagated in Japan in 2009 to encourage the medical treatment for the earlier stages of CP. That is, picking up the patients suspicious for early CP and then providing medical treatment for them are very important not only for patients, but also for health care economics. In this review, we described some potential factors associated with the development of CP (alcohol, smoking, past history of acute pancreatitis, aging, gallstone, and gender) that are extremely important to discover patients with early-stage CP.
Publisher: The Fukushima Society of Medical Science
Publisher (Alternative foam): 福島医学会
language: eng
URI: http://ir.fmu.ac.jp/dspace/handle/123456789/573
Full text URL: http://ir.fmu.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/123456789/573/1/FksmJMedSci_63_p1.pdf
ISSN: 0016-2590
DOI: 10.5387/fms.2016-14
PubMed ID: 28450665
Related Page: http://doi.org/10.5387/fms.2016-14
Rights: © 2017 The Fukushima Society of Medical Science
Appears in Collections:Vol.63 (2017)

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