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福島県立医科大学看護学部紀要 = Bulletin of Fukushima Medical University School of Nursing >
No.16 (2014-03) >
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Title: | 身体機能障害をもつ入院患児への音楽活動がリハビリテーションに与える効果 |
Other Titles: | Improving Outcomes in Music Activity Through Habilitation, Care, Education, and Training for Children with Physical Disability |
Authors: | 中島, 淑恵 菅原, 淳 山本, 育子 林, 明人 坂本, 祐子 |
Affiliation: | 療養支援看護学部門 |
Source title: | 福島県立医科大学看護学部紀要 |
Volume: | 16 |
Start page: | 37 |
End page: | 46 |
Issue Date: | Mar-2014 |
Abstract: | 四肢機能に障害がある進行性慢性疾患に罹患し,長期入院中だった1患児を対象として,音楽活動に療育的効果があるのか,子どもの能力低下評価表(PEDI)と健康関連QOL 尺度(PedsQLT)を用いて評価した.それにより,音楽を併用した活動が身体機能の維持向上,ADL およびQOL の向上に寄与するか明らかにした.その結果,音楽活動の介入により,社会的機能が向上し,成長発達支援としての効果があることがわかった.しかし,身体機能の維持向上に関しては短期間の介入であったため評価に反映されなかった.よって,長期療養が必要な病気療養児に対して,音楽活動を併用することにより,社会的機能の向上を図ることができ,療育支援手法としての1つの方策となりえる可能性があると示唆された. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a nurse-led music activity with a disabled child. The subject, whose care and education were neglected during long periods of hospitalization in pediatrics, needed psychosocial support and assistance with self-expression. Therefore, we offered music activity as a form of rehabilitation. Measures included the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI), and the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL). The results indicate that seven sessions of music activity can meet the needs of hospitalized children in attaining social skills, normal growth, and developmental milestones. We believe that further research into the long-term effects of music interventions with disabled children may reveal substantial benefits for social skills and physical functioning. Meeting the needs of a child in rehabilitation requires an interdisciplinary approach, whereby a variety of health care nurses are called upon to work together in planning and coordinating each patient's treatment plan. |
Publisher: | 福島県立医科大学看護学部 |
language: | jpn |
URI: | http://ir.fmu.ac.jp/dspace/handle/123456789/387 |
Full text URL: | http://ir.fmu.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/123456789/387/1/BullFMUSchNurs_16_p37.pdf |
ISSN: | 1344-6975 |
Rights: | © 2014 福島県立医科大学看護学部 |
Appears in Collections: | No.16 (2014-03)
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