DSpace Fukushima Medical University

福島県立医科大学学術成果リポジトリ = Fukushima Medical University Repository >

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Ranking Item Title Downloads
1 ATPの検出を利用した口腔内の衛生状態の判定に関する研究(第1報) : 唾液のATPふき取り法からみた歯磨き前後の日内変動の比較検討 126
2 The effect of a selective Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) inhibitor on pain-related behavior by nucleus pulposus applied on the nerve root in rats 101
3 看護系大学卒業の看護師の看護実践能力を測定する「看護実践能力自己評価尺度(CNCSS)」の適合度の検討 92
4 ウェルネス志向を取り入れた母性看護学の展開 88
5 周手術期患者に対する病棟看護師の臨床判断 67
6 入院している子どもに付き添う家族に関する文献検討 61
7 精神科病棟において看護師が患者に抱く陰性感情と看護チームのサポートについての分析 56
8 看護実践能力を測定する2つの質問紙(尺度)の構成概念の比較検討 48
9 新卒看護師が認識する先輩看護師からのサポート 43

臨床判断研究の文献レビュー(1998年~2007年) 43
11 Airway management in a patient with nuchal, interspinous, and flavum ligament rupture by a sickle: a case report 41
12 女性看護師が男性看護師に期待する職務・役割に関する調査研究 37
13 産褥早期褥婦の疲労におけるイトオテルミー療法の効果 36
14 Psychological distress after the great East Japan earthquake and fukushima daiichi nuclear power plant accident: results of a mental health and lifestyle survey through the fukushima health management survey in fy2011 and fy2012 35
15 Anti-influenza virus activity of two extracts of the blackcurrant (ribes nigrum L.) from new zealand and poland 34

Bilirubin and its oxidative metabolite biopyrrins in patients with acute myocardial infarction 34

Recent progress and new perspectives in lymphoma glycobiology 34
18 Successful therapy with tonsillectomy plus pulse therapy for the relapse of pediatric IgA nephropathy treated with multi-drugs combination therapy 33
19 フィンランド語で開発された看護実践能力を測定する尺度(質問紙)の翻訳の等価性の検討 32
20 Emergency endotracheal intubation-related adverse events in bronchial asthma exacerbation: can anesthesiologists attenuate the risk? 31

Efficacy of cyclosporine a for steroid-resistant severe henoch-schönlein purpura nephritis 31

Higher body mass index is a predictor of death among professional sumo wrestlers 31

Local application of nucleus pulposus induces expression of P2X_3 in rat dorsal root ganglion cells 31

The basic data for residents aged 16 years or older who received a comprehensive health check examinations in 2011-2012 as a part of the Fukushima Health Management Survey after the great East Japan earthquake 31

Unusual chest wall pain caused by thoracic disc herniation in a professional baseball pitcher 31
26 Henoch-schönlein purpura nephritis in childhood: pathogenesis, prognostic factors and treatment 30
27 Interphase cytogenetic analysis of lung adenocarcinomas with bronchioloalveolar pattern 29

通院がん患者の療養生活上の課題 29

Helicopter emergency medical services (doctor-helicopter) in Fukushima Prefecture: present state and problems 29

Gastric endoscopic submucosal dissection using sodium carboxymethylcellulose as a new injection substance 29

Pathoanatomic investigation of cervical spondylotic myelopathy 29

High Serum Level of Pentosidine, an Advanced Glycation End Product (AGE), is a Risk Factor of Patients with Heart Failure 29

The role of HMGA2 in the proliferation and expansion of a hematopoietic cell in myeloproliferative neoplasms 29

Fluvastatin increases bone mineral density in postmenopausal women 29

Immediate mental consequences of the great east Japan earthquake and Fukushima nuclear power Plant accident on mothers experiencing miscarriage, abortion, and stillbirth: the Fukushima health management survey 29
36 Well-differentiated fetal adenocarcinoma of the lung in a 20-year-old woman 28

Inhibitory effect of β-hydroxybutyric acid on L-type Ca^{2+} current under β-adrenergic stimulation in guinea pig Cardiac ventricular myocytes 28

Lessons from Chernobyl 28

本邦集中治療室における気道管理資源に関する実態調査報告書 28

南会津保健所にみる『健康日本21』二次医療圏計画策定の試み 28

A case of polyarteritis nodosa limited to lower legs with a high titer of MPO-ANCA under precedence of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis 28
42 う蝕多発地域郡山市管内の3歳児におけるう蝕の要因調査 27

看護基礎教育から継続教育における看護実践能力の育成内容 27

外来通院する慢性疾患児の治療及び日常生活の現状と外来看護に対する家族の認識 27

Instructions to Contributors, Contents 27

Support-seeking behavior among Japanese mothers at high-risk of mental health problems: a community-based study at a city health center 27

A reduction of coronary flow reserve is associated with chronic kidney disease and long-term cardio-cerebrovascular events in patients with non-obstructive coronary artery disease and vasospasm 27

Role for netrin-1 in sensory axonal guidance in higher vertebrates 27

A case of congenital unilateral partial absence of fallopian tube 27

A survey of urinary hippuric acid and subjective symptoms among occupational low toluene exposed workers 27


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