DSpace Fukushima Medical University

福島県立医科大学学術成果リポジトリ = Fukushima Medical University Repository >

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Most Used Items  This Month

Ranking Item Title Downloads
1 ウェルネス志向を取り入れた母性看護学の展開 110
2 精神科病棟において看護師が患者に抱く陰性感情と看護チームのサポートについての分析 69
3 入院している子どもに付き添う家族に関する文献検討 55
4 臨床判断研究の文献レビュー(1998年~2007年) 54
5 福島県における摂食・嚥下障害のある患者ケアに関する実態調査 53
6 Psychological distress after the great East Japan earthquake and fukushima daiichi nuclear power plant accident: results of a mental health and lifestyle survey through the fukushima health management survey in fy2011 and fy2012 49
7 看護系大学卒業の看護師の看護実践能力を測定する「看護実践能力自己評価尺度(CNCSS)」の適合度の検討 48
8 看護実践能力を測定する2つの質問紙(尺度)の構成概念の比較検討 41
9 母親のメンタルヘルスに影響を与える要因の検討 : 妊娠届出と新生児・妊産婦訪問の記録の分析から 39
10 周手術期患者に対する病棟看護師の臨床判断 38
11 福島医大の震災レポート 35

Measurement of Optic Nerve Blood Flow During Dissection of Parasellar Tumors 35
13 Recent progress and new perspectives in lymphoma glycobiology 34
14 Mini Nutritional Assessment as a useful method to predict the development of pressure ulcer among elderly inpatients 33
15 看護専門学校教員の講義準備に関する研究 : 臨床経験と専門性の異なる領域の講義を担う教員を対象として 32
16 Emergency endotracheal intubation-related adverse events in bronchial asthma exacerbation: can anesthesiologists attenuate the risk? 31
17 Histogenesis of CD5-positive and CD5-negative B-cell neoplasms on the aspect of somatic mutation of immunoglobulin heavy chain gene variable region 30

わが国における新卒看護師に関する文献の検討 30

Multiple and incidentally found cancers detected by 18F-FDG positron emission tomography/CT at one examination 30

Successful therapy with tonsillectomy plus pulse therapy for the relapse of pediatric IgA nephropathy treated with multi-drugs combination therapy 30
21 Bilirubin and its oxidative metabolite biopyrrins in patients with acute myocardial infarction 29

通院がん患者の療養生活上の課題 29

A case of polyarteritis nodosa limited to lower legs with a high titer of MPO-ANCA under precedence of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis 29

Unusual chest wall pain caused by thoracic disc herniation in a professional baseball pitcher 29
25 香山雪彦 講演原稿集(2009~2010) 28

Effects of a high-sodium diet on renal tubule Ca2+ transporter and claudin expression in Wistar-Kyoto rats 28

Argon plasma coagulation for intractable nasal obstruction occurring in patients with allergic rhinitis 28

Airway management in a patient with nuchal, interspinous, and flavum ligament rupture by a sickle: a case report 28

Remnant left lobe torsion causing hepatic venous outflow obstruction after hepatic right lobectomy for giant hepatocellular carcinoma: report of a case 28

Support-seeking behavior among Japanese mothers at high-risk of mental health problems: a community-based study at a city health center 28

平成22年度公立大学法人福島県立医科大学看護学部公開講座委員会報告 : 学術活動 28

Interphase cytogenetic analysis of lung adenocarcinomas with bronchioloalveolar pattern 28

Long-term follow-up of free vascularized fibular head graft for reconstruction of the proximal humerus after wide resection for bone sarcoma 28
34 Autoantibodies by line immunoassay in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis 27

Anti-ribosomal P antibodies are associated with nephritis, vascular thrombosis and lymphocytopenia in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus 27

Effect of shift work on mental state of factory workers 27

福島県立医科大学看護学部紀要投稿規程 27

新卒看護師が認識する先輩看護師からのサポート 27

Gastric endoscopic submucosal dissection using sodium carboxymethylcellulose as a new injection substance 27

Efficacy of cyclosporine a for steroid-resistant severe henoch-schönlein purpura nephritis 27
41 High Serum Level of Pentosidine, an Advanced Glycation End Product (AGE), is a Risk Factor of Patients with Heart Failure 26

南会津保健所にみる『健康日本21』二次医療圏計画策定の試み 26

Lessons from Chernobyl 26

Association between maternal feeling about pregnancy and child's lifestyle 26

Hepatic adenomatous hyperplasia with hyperattenuation on CT during arterial portography: a case report 26

病の言語 26

The inhibitory effect of paclitaxel on (KV2.1) K^+ current in H9c2 cells 26
48 Well-differentiated fetal adenocarcinoma of the lung in a 20-year-old woman 25

The basic data for residents aged 16 years or older who received a comprehensive health check examinations in 2011-2012 as a part of the Fukushima Health Management Survey after the great East Japan earthquake 25

Postoperative outcomes of arthroscopic subacromial decompression for rotator cuff tear with shoulder stiffness 25


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