DSpace Fukushima Medical University

福島県立医科大学学術成果リポジトリ = Fukushima Medical University Repository >

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Most Used Items  This Month

Ranking Item Title Downloads
1 Bilirubin and its oxidative metabolite biopyrrins in patients with acute myocardial infarction 70
2 臨床判断研究の文献レビュー(1998年~2007年) 64
3 Guidelines for managing conscientious objection to blood transfusion 56
4 入院している子どもに付き添う家族に関する文献検討 47

看護実践能力を測定する2つの質問紙(尺度)の構成概念の比較検討 47
6 周手術期患者に対する病棟看護師の臨床判断 46
7 看護系大学卒業の看護師の看護実践能力を測定する「看護実践能力自己評価尺度(CNCSS)」の適合度の検討 45
8 ウェルネス志向を取り入れた母性看護学の展開 42
9 Can 3D-CT angiography (3D-CTA) replace conventional catheter angiography in ruptured aneurysm surgery? Our experience with 162 cases 39

Gastrointestinal stromal tumor mimicking gynecological disease 39

たばこ対策の現状と課題 : 福島県立医科大学敷地内全面禁煙にあたって 39
12 Low birth weight in South Asian babies in Britain: time to reduce the inequalities 38
13 業績一覧 36

造血器腫瘍患者の感染対処の継続に関するセルフ・エフィカシーの分析 : 化学療法による骨髄機能低下期に焦点をあてて 36
15 Inhibitory oligodeoxynucleotide improves glomerulonephritis and prolongs survival in MRL-lpr/lpr mice 33
16 施設における痴呆老人による攻撃的行動の分析 32

Effects of fluvoxamine on behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia in Alzheimer's disease: a report of three cases 32

産褥早期褥婦の疲労におけるイトオテルミー療法の効果 32
19 Histological distribution and ultrastructural features of immunoreactive terminals against RT97, a monoclonal antibody to a 200 kD neurofilament, in the spinal dorsal horn of a rat 31

Fluvastatin increases bone mineral density in postmenopausal women 31
21 Synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides induce gastritis in mice 30

精神科病棟において看護師が患者に抱く陰性感情と看護チームのサポートについての分析 30

Epidemiology research training in Vietnam: evaluation at the five year mark 30
24 Effects of oral supplementation of L-arginine in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension secondary to pulmonary embolism: a case report 29

Reversal of vecuronium with neostigmine: a comparison between male and female patients 29

わが国における新卒看護師に関する文献の検討 29
27 看護師による静脈注射実施の実態と課題 28

Pentraxin 3, a new marker for vascular inflammation, predicts adverse clinical outcomes in patients with heart failure 28

Mini Nutritional Assessment as a useful method to predict the development of pressure ulcer among elderly inpatients 28

Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products (RAGE) is a Prognostic Factor for Heart Failure 28

Cover 28

Possible association of cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4 genetic polymorphism with liver damage of primary biliary cirrhosis in Japan 28

Contents of Volume 55, Instructions to Contributors, Contents 28

長期療養が必要な病児をきょうだいにもつ子どもへの支援に関する文献検討 28
35 身体合併症をもつ精神科入院患者の看護必要度とケア内容の実態調査 27

Effect of shift work on mental state of factory workers 27

Effects of long-term corset wearing on chronic low back pain 27

Measurement of Optic Nerve Blood Flow During Dissection of Parasellar Tumors 27

Cover 27

Cochlear implantation in a case of bilateral sensorineural hearing loss due to mumps 27
41 知的障害者と暮らす家族の介護ストレス : 介護ストレスとソーシャル・サポートの緩衝効果 26

Survival and recovery of apheresis platelets stored in a polyolefin container with high oxygen permeability 26

Cover 26

Contents 26

Recent progress and new perspectives in lymphoma glycobiology 26

A survey of urinary hippuric acid and subjective symptoms among occupational low toluene exposed workers 26

Estimation of microinhomogeneity of conduction impairment by wavelet analysis during early phase of myocardial ischemia in pigs 26

Effects of a high-sodium diet on renal tubule Ca2+ transporter and claudin expression in Wistar-Kyoto rats 26

Instructions to Contributors, Contents of Volume 50, Contents 26

Preoperative pulmonary function as a predictor of respiratory complications and mortality in patients undergoing lung cancer resection 26


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