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福島県立医科大学学術成果リポジトリ = Fukushima Medical University Repository >

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2022年 髙橋, 俊文 不妊症を生物学的・社会学的に探求する 卵子凍結に潜むリスクとベネフィット 福島医学雑誌 72 1 9
2022年 Kobashi, Yurie; Shimazu, Yuzo; Kawamura, Takeshi; Nishikawa, Yoshitaka; Omata, Fumiya; Kaneko, Yudai; Kodama, Tatsuhiko; Tsubokura, Masaharu Peak IgG antibody titers against SARS-CoV-2 spike protein following immunization with the Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2 vaccine Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 68 67 70
2022年 Hidaka, Tomoo; Endo, Shota; Kasuga, Hideaki; Masuishi, Yusuke; Kakamu, Takeyasu; Fukushima, Tetsuhito Visualizing the decline of public interest in the Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident by analyzing letters to the editor in Japanese newspapers Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 68 63 66
2022年 Fujimori, Mimori; Kyozuka, Hyo; Sugeno, Misa; Jin, Toki; Ito, Fumihiro; Suzuki, Daisuke; Ishii, Tsutomu; Nomura, Yasuhisa Tubo-ovarian abscess in a patient with cri du chat syndrome: A case report Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 68 57 61
2022年 Shiraiwa, Aya; Takahashi, Toshifumi; Okoshi, Chihiro; Wada, Marina; Ota, Kuniaki; Suganuma, Ryota; Jimbo, Masatoshi; Soeda, Shu; Watanabe, Takafumi; Yoshida-Komiya, Hiromi; Fujimori, Keiya Successful pregnancy and delivery after a vitrified-warmed embryo transfer in a woman with Kallmann syndrome: A case report and literature review Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 68 49 55
2022年 Shirota, Jun; Sato, Masatoki; Saito, Yasushi; Asano, Yuichiro; Tomita, Yoichi; Watanabe, Masahiro; Suyama, Kazuhide; Kawasaki, Yukihiko; Hosoya, Mitsuaki Plastic bronchitis associated with influenza B virus infection: A case report Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 68 43 48
2022年 Ito, Hiroyuki; Tanei, Takafumi; Sugawara, Kyoko; Sando, Yu; Hori, Naohiro Spinal cord stimulation for the treatment of pain and toe ulceration associated with systemic sclerosis: a case report Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 68 37 41
2022年 Yabuki, Shoji; Takatsuki, Kozue; Ouchi, Kazuo Psychologic distress and QOL in medical staff after a disaster: A longitudinal 4-year study Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 68 25 35
2022年 Nakamura, Koki; Kanke, Satoshi; Hoshi, Goro; Toyoda, Yoshihiro; Yoshida, Kazutaka; Kassai, Ryuki Impact of general practice / family medicine clerkships on Japanese medical students: Using text mining to analyze reflective writing Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 68 19 24
2022年 Kasuga, Hideaki; Endo, Shota; Masuishi, Yusuke; Hidaka, Tomoo; Kakamu, Takeyasu; Saito, Keiko; Abe, Koichi; Fukushima, Tetsuhito Association between subjective economic status and refusal of life-prolonging treatment: a cross-sectional study using content analysis with stratified random sampling Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 68 11 18
2022年 Sugimoto, Mitsuru; Takagi, Tadayuki; Suzuki, Rei; Konno, Naoki; Asama, Hiroyuki; Sato, Yuki; Irie, Hiroki; Okubo, Yoshinori; Nakamura, Jun; Takasumi, Mika; Hashimoto, Minami; Kato, Tsunetaka; Kobashi, Ryoichiro; Hikichi, Takuto; Ohira, Hiromasa Drug treatment for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in patients with pancreatic cancer Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 68 1 10
2021年12月15日 - 2020年3月以降に開催した総合科学研究会プログラム : 総合科学研究会報告 福島県立医科大学総合科学教育研究センター紀要 10 10 11
2021年12月15日 西山, 学即 繊毛虫Paramecium属のゲノム再編集の最近の研究動向 福島県立医科大学総合科学教育研究センター紀要 10 1 9
2021年9月30日 Tiksnadi, Amanda Direct comparison of Efficacy of the Motor Cortical Plasticity Induction and the Interindividual Variability between TBS and QPS - - - -
2021年9月30日 川島, 一公 Optimal Selection of Endoscopic Resection in Patients with Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Endoscopic Mucosal Resection vs Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection According to Lesion Size - - - -
2021年9月30日 愛澤, 正人 Risk of Delayed Bleeding after Cold Snare Polypectomy in Patients with Antithrombotic Therapy - - - -
2021年9月30日 山内, 直人 Stromal expression of cancer‑associated fibroblast‑related molecules, versican and lumican, is strongly associated with worse relapse‑free and overall survival times in patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma - - - -
2021年9月30日 矢野, 徹宏 Usefulness of computed tomography in the diagnosis of acute pyelonephritis in older patients suspected of infection with unknown focus - - - -
2021年9月30日 蛭田, 亮 Intraoperative transcranial facial motor evoked potential monitoring in surgery of cerebellopontine angle tumors predicts early and late postoperative facial nerve function - - - -
2021年9月30日 星, 誠二 Upregulation of glucocorticoid receptor-mediated glucose transporter 4 in enzalutamide-resistant prostate cancer - - - -
2021年9月30日 齋藤, 悠 High FIB4 index is an independent risk factor of diabetic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes - - - -
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