福島県立医科大学学術成果リポジトリ = Fukushima Medical University Repository >
一覧表示: 日付
アイテム表示: 1321-1341 / 2307.
発行日 | 著者 | タイトル | 誌名/書名 | 巻 | 開始ページ | 終了ページ |
2019年9月30日 |
金澤, 晃子 |
Blood Concentration of Tacrolimus and Age Predict Tacrolimus-Induced Left Ventricular Dysfunction after Bone Marrow Transplantation in Adults |
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2019年9月30日 |
上田, 由桂 |
Risk factors of problem drinking in the chronic phase among evacuees in Fukushima following the Great East Japan Earthquake based on a two-year cohort study: The Fukushima Health Management Survey |
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2019年9月30日 |
弓屋, 結 |
Communication between health professionals and community residents in Fukushima: A focus on the feedback loop |
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2019年9月30日 |
阿部, 良伸 |
IL-13 attenuates early local CXCL2-dependent neutrophil recruitment for Candida albicans clearance during a severe murine systemic infection |
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2019年9月30日 |
木下, 美佐子 |
Characteristics of awareness and behavior of medical staff for prevention of falling accidents among inpatients |
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2019年6月 |
Satoh, Hiroaki; Ohira, Tetsuya; Nagai, Masato; Hosoya, Mitsuaki; Sakai, Akira; Yasumura, Seiji; Ohtsuru, Akira; Kawasaki, Yukihiko; Suzuki, Hitoshi; Takahashi, Atsushi; Sugiura, Yoshihiro; Shishido, Hiroaki; Hayashi, Yoshimitsu; Takahashi, Hideto; Kobashi, Gen; Ozasa, Kotaro; Hashimoto, Shigeatsu; Ohto, Hitoshi; Abe, Masafumi; Kamiya, Kenji |
Evacuation is a risk factor for diabetes development among evacuees of the Great East Japan earthquake: A 4-year follow-up of the Fukushima Health Management Survey |
Diabetes & Metabolism |
45 |
312 |
315 |
2019年4月 |
Ogura, Masato; Kikuchi, Haruhisa; Shakespear, Norshalena; Suzuki, Toshiyuki; Yamaki, Junko; Homma, Miwako K; Oshima, Yoshiteru; Homma, Yoshimi |
Prenylated Quinolinecarboxylic Acid Derivative Prevents Neuronal Cell Death Through Inhibition of MKK4 |
Biochemical pharmacology |
162 |
109 |
122 |
2019年3月22日 |
清水, 雅子 |
Change of Tinnitus with Xenon Phototherapy of the Stellate Ganglion |
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2019年3月22日 |
堀, 有伸 |
Psychiatric Outpatients After the 3.11 Complex Disaster in Fukushima, Japan |
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2019年3月22日 |
松本, 善幸 |
Predicting Factors of Transmural Thermal Injury after Cryoballoon Pulmonary Vein Isolation |
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2019年3月22日 |
今牧, 理恵 |
Glycosylation controls cooperative PECAM-VEGFR2-β3 integrin functions at the endothelial surface for tumor angiogenesis |
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2019年3月22日 |
岩楯, 兼尚 |
Population Characteristics and Progressive Disability in Neuofibromatosis Type 2 |
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2019年3月22日 |
中山, 千尋 |
Lingering health-related anxiety about radiation among Fukushima residents as correlated with media information following the accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant |
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2019年3月22日 |
大原, 美希 |
多嚢胞性卵巣症候群患者子宮内膜と子宮内膜培養細胞におけるアンドロゲン受容体発現にメトホルミンが与える影響についての検討 |
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2019年3月22日 |
黒見, 洋介 |
ヒト由来悪性髄膜腫細胞 HKBMM の過剰な遊走性に関わる IGF2BP1 の役割 |
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2019年3月22日 |
石川, 真郷 |
Anti-fibrotic effect of CCR2 antagonist on experimental murine scleroderma induced by bleomycin |
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2019年3月22日 |
平井, 亨 |
Epidemiological study on cervical cord compression and its clinical symptoms in community-dwelling residents |
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2019年3月22日 |
山本, 晃裕 |
皮膚組織灌流圧(skin perfusion pressure)は混合血酸素飽和度の代用となりうるか? |
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2019年3月22日 |
菊池, 智宏 |
Characterization of tumor-infiltrating immune cells in relation to microbiota in colorectal cancers |
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2019年3月22日 |
蓬田, 翔太 |
Involvement between social defeat stress and pain-related behavior in an application of the nucleus pulposus rat model |
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2019年3月22日 |
山田, 昌幸 |
Histological validation of cerebral white fiber fixation methods |
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